Wendy & Silk-
  Yep.  Barak is based on that loveable, cuddly fella in Edding's story ;^).
To be honest, I wanted to call him "Dras Bullneck".  In fact, except for
Coconut who came to us with that name already installed, all of our ferrets'
names come from fantasy and/or mythology.  Merlynn, Morgan and Arthur you
should recognize easily.  Ashke comes from Lackey's Herald Mage stories and
means "Beloved", Red Sonja is a character from Howard's Hyperborea, and
Leewit is one of the three "Witches of Karres".
  We usually try to pick characters from books or stories that fit the
personalities of our kids.  Makes life much more interesting, as well as
adding "color" to our conversations...
Pete & Amy                       |  The Ferret Liberation Army
 [log in to unmask]           |  Merlynn, Morgan, Arthur, Coconut,
                                 |   Ashke, Sonja, Leewit & Barak
              "Ferrets are God's apology for cats."
[Posted in FML issue 0673]