To B. Norton:
I was wondering why you reposted your flight story.  I started reading it
and it seemed familiar, only last time it was anonymous.  So yes, it did get
posted.  I will have to look through the back issues to tell you which one,
if you really don't believe me.
Anyway, what I want to know, is how does your husband manage to keep the
ferret still while Nash is in his coat?  IF Cocoa was sleeping, she would
stay still, but she always squirmed when she was awake.  I would have been
caught immediately.  i don't know what the policies are on Canadian
planes since I haven't had to fly anywhere with a ferret, but when I get
my next furry, i will definitely check out the policy.
Several years ago, I got a tranquilizer from the vet to be able to take
Cocoa on the bus.  I only gave her a quarter of a tablet, but it didn't
always put her out.  She would be extremely groggy, but she was so
excited or nervous that her nervousness would overcome the effects of
the pill.
As to not loving ones ferrets enough, well, you may believe that, but
perhaps people love their ferrets too much to risk the chance that the
animal will be discovered and destroyed in a FFZ.  I am glad you have
managed to sneak your critter on successfully and I sincerely hope that
you continue to be successful.  But please don't accuse others of not
loving their furries enough - I think the stories of what people will do
to save their little ones shows a lot of love.  I only wish I had
discovered the list before Cocoa got sick - it might have helped.
<turn off soap box mode>
[Posted in FML issue 0670]