To Victoria Hadfield:
Massachusetts is a DEFINITE Ferret-Free Zone -- if you're planning on a
summer job there, DON'T take your ferrets with you!!  There is a bill
coming before the legislature to legalize 'em (last I heard) but ferrets
are still ILLEGAL in that state!
For those coming in late, Ferret-Free Zones are locales where ferrets are
illegal (mainly due to the mistaken belief that they are wild animals,
attack babies and/or spread rabies).  These include four states:
California, Massachusetts, Michigan and Hawaii, plus New York City (not
the state), Washington, D.C., St. Paul, Minnesota, and various towns in
Texas, as well as many military bases.  Unfortunately, I don't know of a
definitive list of cities where ferrets are banned.
Katie, Jeff, Bandit, Molly, Charlie, Pogo & Sigmund
Katie Fritz
Small Mammals Section Leader/CompuServe Pets Forum
Internet: [log in to unmask]  CIS: 71257,3153
[Posted in FML issue 0668]