        To Victoria, who wondered if Mass is a FFZ, well, I'm afraid
that the answer is yes.  Not that that has stoped me or a few other
people I know, but at the momment ferrets are not legal in the state.
Aparrently, there was a bill in the Statehouse reicently that was going
to change this, but I'm not sure what has become of this.  At anyrate,
you can find vets who will treat fuzzies, so while you may have a bit of
a hassle finding one, they do exist.  I'm in the Boston area if that's
helpful.  The other downside is that pet supply stores don't carry any
ferret-specific products, so you have to buy catfood (no big deal) and
Linatone as opposed to Ferretone (I don't think theres any difference),
and collars and leashes are out (but you can't really take your
carpet-sharks for a walk anyway, alas).  Oddly enough, Ferrets *are*
legal in all the sourrounding states (RI, CT, VT and NH), so if you are
going to be at all close to one of the borders, you can take your
fuzzies up there for vets.  Thats all I know to tell you!
        Ceili is a bit odd when it comes to the biting/nipping thing.
We seem to have this understanding between us that when we are wrestling,
she can bite me (she especially likes the "web" between my thumb and
forefinger), and she knows just about how hard I'll put up with.  If it
gets to hard, I just say "hey!", and she eases off.  She has never
broken the skin or caused me to bleed.  The stranges thing, though, is
that she seems to know that I'm the only one she can do that to, and to
that end, she has never even so much as nipped another person.  Except
she had a fondness for my ex's toes.  But then, so did I! :)
        I'm going to try to keep her out from under the radiator, then-
thanks for the warning.  She seems to have found a new sleeping place
these days anyway, so it may not end up being to much of a hassle.
ethan and ceili (who is snoozing among all my winter woolens)
[Posted in FML issue 0667]