I have a suggestion concerning your problem with the mouse
(hopefully not mice). A few months ago I had a similar dilemma with
a chipmunk. The poor little cutie had been evacuated from his home
due to all the Midwestern floods in my area. He found the dryer vent
opening and made his way down into my dryer. I noticed my ferrets were
going nuts scratching at the boards in front of the dryer. Then one
day I surprised the little nut eater and saw him making a beeline for
the dryer. I went to the local hardware store and found a wire cage
trap. It's long and rectangular with doors at each end. You set it up
with the doors open and something tempting like cheese or in my case
sunflower seeds on the tray in the middle. The little mouse will enter
the cage and press on the tray to get food and the doors trip shut.
I had captured my little invader in less than ten minutes and set him
free unharmed. I promptly secured my dryer vent so he couldn't visit
my ferrets and myself without being invited. He now has a hole that
runs under my concrete patio and I treat him with sunflower seeds
everyday placed down his humble abode.
     So if you don't want to have to harm your little visitor look
into getting one of these traps. I know mice have a nasty habit of
chewing on electrical wires and a tasty mouse would look awful good
to some ferrets since ferrets were once(and still are?) trained to
be used in netting rabbits.
     Speaking on the subject of culinary delights you also asked
if ferrets eat bugs. MMMMMMM, you betcha! During our lovely flash
flood season I had alot of waterbugs in my basement. I would
occasionally find a wing here and a leg there and thought "what
is going on?" One day a fat waterbug crawled in front of Weezul.
He pounced on it and proceeded to munch away. I have also found
Teebone licking his lips after supping on one. Personally I
will stick with my rice cakes. I don't see any harm with the
bug eating as long as they haven't been recently sprayed with
bug killer. Bon Apetit!
                                 Judy and the little bug lovers,
                                 Teebone and Weezul
[Posted in FML issue 0666]