I have 3 wonderfully adorable ferrets - and now, a MOUSE.  But
this mouse is not a pet!  Somehow, it got into my 3rd floor apartment.
I haven't seen it.  My roommate says it looks bigger than a field mouse.
I've never had mice and have some questions:
1.  Its possible to just have 1 mouse, right?  I mean, if I see one mouse
    that doesn't mean there are many mice wandering around my apartment does
2.  How bad are mice?  I mean, I hear they carry fleas and rabies (?) and
    other bad things.  (I don't know anything about mice).
3.  I want to let my ferrets out in the living room to play, but I don't
    want anything bad to happen to the ferrets!  Do I have anything to
    worry about?  Will the mouse attack a curious ferret if the mouse
    feels threatened?  Will the ferret kill the mouse?
4.  I've also heard that mice can do a lot of damage - chewing on things
    and what not.  What should I watch out for?
5.  Is there anything else I should know about this mouse?  I plan to
    set mouse traps - but I wish it would just go away.  I don't really
    want to kill it - but I don't want it giving my apartment fleas either!
And one more non-mouse related question - do ferrets eat small cockroaches?
Oooh, that's gross.  We used to have cockroaches.. they are gone now.  I
was just curious.
[Posted in FML issue 0665]