Hey Everybody,
        I've been lurking a bit these days- work is piling up as the end
of the quarter approaches, but soon it will all be over (for now) and
I'll have some time to relax!
        So, I thopught I'd put in my two cents on the whole MF/Animal
Testing issue.  I used to work in the department here at Northeastern
that takes care of the research animals (not actually doing experiments,
but cleaning cages, food, all that stuff).  It was a very difficult job,
on a moral/ethical level (physically demanding too) which I only did for
two quarters.  At first, I was pretty much apalled at the treatment of
the animals- although I felt good doing what I could for them.  But
through working there and talking to the researchers I finally came to a
conclusion that was very difficult to make- indeed, there is a certain
amount of animal research that really does make a difference and should
probably continue.  However, there is no doubt a whole lot of redundant
and/or useless research, that serves only our curiosity and sometimes
stupidity, and it is that sort of research that is particularly
bothersome to me.  My final word on this is that the biggest reason I
quit was that I began to work with the Monkeys.  I got used to the rats
(even though at the time I had a pet rat of my own), and the Chicks and
even the dogs (not too well) but when I started working with the
monkeys- they are so human it's amazing , and it was really difficult to
deal with.
        Well, Ceili is continuing to be a happy and healthy ferret
friend.  Lately she's taken to climbing high objects (as I've seen
mention of on the List)- she conquered the last frontier chez moi the
other day- I found her on my desk, which I have to say is both nowhere I
want her to be and nowhere I ever expected her to get.  Oh, well.  She
certaily is clever! She has alos started sleeping under the radiator,
whioch concerns me a little, as I was told that Ferrets cant really take
too high tempertures, and it get's pretty hot under there.  Should I
worry?  Should I try to stop her? *Could* I stop her? Any advice?
        It is distressing to hear of all this Ferret Sickness,
especially with the holiday season approaching.  My empathy goes out to
anyone whose ferret is not doing so well- my holiday wish is for this to
get better, and soon.  I know I don't talk all that much, But I feel a
certain connection to all of you (ferrets and humans) on the list.
        Thats all for now- back to the world of Psycholinguistics!
ethan and ceili (well, ceili doesn't do Psycholoiguistics much, but...)
[Posted in FML issue 0664]