Enrique --
        Dr. Williams is out of town on business, I think, and I know he can
speak for himself, but since he can't at the moment I'd just like to say in
his defense that `ease up on the research bashing' sounds a little harsh
considering all he said was that he didn't like that MF sent so many ferrets
off to research.  Personally, I agree with you on this issue, but chose to say
nothing because it is such a heated and personal issue.  But, to give another
veterinary perspective, I'm afraid I have to admit at the risk of losing some
favour with some people on the list, though I offer no apologies for my
stance, I believe in medically necessary animal research.  We'd all be plagued
by such simply irradicated diseases as smallpox and polio still today if it
didn't exist, and as a person with a serious medical condition who's cure will
probably only be found in that manner, I have to say that I believe strongly
that some animal research is necessary.  However, *please* understand that I
do *not* condone the use of animals for such mundane `research' as cosmetics
testing and other such nonsense.  This sort of thing I am very strongly
against.  I do apologize if I offend anybody, but that is very definitely how
I feel on the subject.
 Laura L'Heureux, Trella, and Tribble, too      `Have you hugged your ferret
U. of Illinois Vet Med Class of `96                       today?'
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[Posted in FML issue 0662]