A story with a bit of a moral at the end, for any interested ferret-people.
Had a disaster of sorts tonight: trimming claws (using the Overhand
Linatone-On-The Belly Maneuver) turned into bedlam: a small "zig" on my
part, coinciding with a "zag" on the ferret's part resulted in more blood
than I would have though could come from one very frightened little
ferret.  More frightened by far was myself, since the ferret's best
instincts told him to run for cover and I hadn't the foggiest how to cope.
A quick call to the shelter and a bit of exemplary emergency nursing by
my wife and the fastest trip to the Pet Store on record (cutting minutes
off of Richard Petty's renowned Pregnant Gerbil time) solved the problem.
Anyway, I beat closing time at the Pet Store by about ten minutes.  Any
slower and we would have been up the creek without the flat oblong, so I
thought I'd share a bit of learned wisdom:
First apply an ice-cold wash cloth, to coagulate the blood and slow the
bleeding.  More importantly, keep a supply of Styptic Powder and
applicators on hand, available at Ye Local Pette Shoppe.  It stings the
ferret (it breaks my heart to hear them cry) but it does stop the bleeding
and kills the bacteria that cause problem gangrene.  I'm getting sick to
my stomach thinking of what I would have done had the Pet Store been
closed.  No Styptic!  Run, don't walk, to your nearest Styptic Powder Shop
and make sure you don't get caught without it when you need it!
Hugs All 'Round, The Ferret Is Doing Fine,
[Posted in FML issue 0654]