From:   NAME: Denise Coldeway
        FUNC: 352
        TEL:                                  <COLDEWAY.DENISE@A1@VAXEN>
To:     "[log in to unmask]"@INTERNET
From:   NAME: Denise Coldeway
        FUNC: 352
        TEL:                                  <COLDEWAY.DENISE@A1@VAXEN>
Date:   03-Nov-1993
Posted-date: 03-Nov-1993
Precedence: 1
Subject: RE: Ferret List Issue 627
To:     NAME: <@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU:owner-ferret
 <"<@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU:[log in to unmask]>"@GATEV2@MRGATE@WPC@GATEV1>
          Hi Y'all!
          Just got the last ferret-list and wanted to respond to a few.
          To Amy, RE:  pills.  I agree, medicine time can be a major hastle.
          Almost as bad as nail clipping!  Tyler just finished a weeks supply
          of Amoxil, and I have a suggestion that might help the medicine go
          down.  Try PediaLite (fruit flavor).  You can find it at any
          grocery or drug store in the baby aisle.  Get a little baby syringe
          as well (without the needle!).  Pour some PediaLite into a glass,
          put the pill in the syringe, and suck the PediaLite into the
          syringe.  You now have a full syringe of PediaLite and the pill,
          which with a little shaking, should dissolve nicely.  Tyler happily
          lapped up the mixture!  I kept having to add PediaLite to the
          syringe so he wouldn't taste the medicine, though!  Simon, on the
          other hand, doesn't care of the fruit flavor.  Go figure!  I hope
          it works.
          I, too, have a little guy with singed whiskers.  They're just
          fascinated by those fires!  Simon got tired of hearing me say "No,
          no, no!" when he poked his little nose into the fireplace, and he
          literally jumped in when I wasn't looking!  Scared both of us
          nearly to death!  Before I was able to grab him, he attempted to
          "sniff" the flames, but they sniffed him first!  I've felt guilty
          for days now.  Fortunately, he's not burned or blistered anywhere.
          Just a few singed whiskers.  It seems we all have to learn the hard
          way.  I feel so bad...
          Lastly, Simon and Tyler both love to lick the lotion off my skin.
          I like to think they're giving me kisses, but I know they're
          attracted to that stupid lotion.  Does anyone else have this
          experience?  Why do they do that, and is it harmful to them?
          Strange as it may sound, could the lotion contain vitamins that
          they like, but could ultimately hurt them?  Just wondering.  I'm
          looking forward to the next issue...until then.
          Denise, Simon & Tyler.....
[Posted in FML issue 0628]