I'm a bit new to this list, as well as ferrets.
Our two little fuzzies joined us about a week ago, and
of course I scanned the Net for any usefull info.
This list has proven itself to be a goldmine.
I s'pose introductions are in order.
My name is Loel, my wife is Tsering, my daughter, Tenzing.
(in case you're wondering about the names, they're Tibetan
(except mine ;))
Our two little furries are Sangpo (male,) and Dolma (female.)
Perhaps the manner in which we came to be ferret toys was
not the best, but ferret toys we are, and with luck, will
long be.  We had decided to purchase a little furry fuzzy one
for companionship, and after compiling a list of pet stores
to visit, went visiting.  We were looking for something of a
guinea pig, as my wife had seen one and convinced me that we
should get a little furry squeaker.  We visited one store,
and found the little pigs, and other furries (not to mention
scalies).  After looking at the little furry pigs, I suggested
we look around the store, just for fun.  Amongst various
other animals, we saw some ferrets in a cage behind glass in
a little room.  They brought back memories for all of us.
We had met a ferret in a park one day, accompanied by it's
companion.  It was quite tame, and he (the companion) let us
pet it.  Then we watched it  carefully examine its
environment.  That was our first (and only) encounter with
a ferret.
We continued to look around the store, and on the way out I
remembered (prompted by the requisite display) that I had
wanted to buy a book about the little pigs so we would know
what to do with/for them.  I perused a guinea pig book, then
noticed a ferret book, which I picked up.  The store owner
noticed my actions, and asked us what we were looking for.
I told him we were looking at guinea pigs, but were also
interested in ferrets.  He told us there was a world of
difference between the two, and proceeded to explain those
differences.  My wife and daughter (and of course, myself,)
liked the idea of a terribly curious, playful furry friend,
and we decided that that was what we were really after.
We continued poking about the stores on our list, and
eventually entered a store with a bunch of baby ferrets.
We watched them sleep.  We watched them play.  The store
attendant asked if we needed help, we declined.  We watched
and we watched.  Somehow, two of those little furries
wiggled their way into our hearts.  We ended up taking
them home, at considerable expense.
Since I had read that ferret book we found in the first
store (which I had bought,) I had a _little_ idea of what
ferrets would need for a home, as well as companionship.
I had decided that I and we would be able to provide
The store we bought them from had only _tiny_ cages, and
I knew that wouldn't do, so they put them in a cardboard
box, and away we went.  We went straight back to one of
the stores we had visited before, and bought them a cage.
Nothing big, but with the price of cages, I thought I'd
buy them a temporary cage, then build one myself.
When we returned home, I immediately took one of the
furries (Dolma) out to meet everybody.  She squirmed.
She wiggled.  She bit.  And BIT.  AND BIT!  She drew
blood.  I put her back in the cage.  I reread the bit
about training the little nippers, and I found this
newsgroup, the FAQ, and the archives.  I read and read
and read...
The next day, I built them a little better cage.  I knew
they like corners for pooping, and took that into account.
I built a cage with only one corner.  The other corners
were occupied by some flexible PVC pipe I had found.
I built a little platform for their bedroom, and stairs
and ramps and tunnels...
It was quite some display when they were introduced to
their new home.  They were so exited!  Trembling, they
rushed here and there, checking and rechecking every
detail of their new home.  Eventually the fell asleep.
The next day I began training them.  For the first two
days, I only held them for five minutes each, as I
wanted them to have time to get used to their new
environment.  They learn FAST!  After only two five
minute sessions of nose thumping, they had figured out
that their furrless friend was definitely _not_ to be
bitten.  They still test me now and then, but only nips.
I don't even let them do that.  They also learned very
fast just what no means.  I don't even have to thump
them now, a firm sharp no does the job.
Today, I gave them both a bath.  We all were very
curious about how they both would take to bathing.
Dolma just went swimming around the bathtub, while
Sangpo kind of panicked.  He really didn't want to be
in there, so I picked him up and spoke comforting
words (at least I thought they were,) then put him
back in the water.  I showed them the rock I had
placed in the tub for them to rest on.  Sangpo did
a little better then, and swam around.  When I
lathered Dolma, she was very still.  Made for an
easy job.  When I rinsed her and put her back in the
water, she held my hand tightly with her front paws.
She really wanted to be held.  Sangpo was a little
more difficult (as usual.)  He squirmed through the
lathering, though not as much as I expected. I was
surprised how easily the towelling went.  They both
really seemed to enjoy it.
After the bath and subsequent running about, they
both went to sleep (of course.)  Later, I was
surprised how differently they behaved when I held
them.  This time they really enjoyed being petted.
Before, they would squirm about and sometimes
tolerate petting, but this time they really enjoyed
it.  Even after the ferretone!
So much for the introduction, on to the questions (I
hope It hasn't been too long.)
The first is about ferret/human play.  Since I don't
want the fuzzies biting anyone anytime (ever,) I was
wondering what kinds of play you all have been taught
by your little ones that don't involve biting.
Second, I am a little concerned about the ferret/ferret
play.  They really go at it!  Usually Sangpo wins, as
he's bigger and a little older.  What I'm concerned
about is what 'wins' means.  Sometimes he grabs Dolma's
skin and shakes and twists and pulls it with her
whimpering all the while, and on and on...  Sometimes
one will bite the other's _nose_! (hard)
Third, and last, I was wondering if anyone has
considered creating a ferret news group under rec.pets.
With greater than 330 readers, the interest shown by
this list alone justifies it, and the benefits would
be rather rapid propogation of posts, as well as others
who may be interested and had not found the list would
be exposed to the discussions.  This question occured
to me last night, when I was contemplating bath time.
I wanted input from the list readers, but I knew that
if I asked, it would be two days 'till I saw a response,
and by that time the furries would be dry and sweet
smelling. (They _really needed_ a bath.)
Thanks for reading this far, introductions being
completed, I shouldn't take nearly this long in any
subsequent mailings, but I thought you all would like
to know who we are.  I certainly have enjoyed reading
about you all!
[Posted in FML issue 0654]