Hello, got a question for all you old timers out
there.  Our oldest ferret, Roo, has only been with
us for a year and a half.  Last winter she was alone
until x-mas (when a new fuzzy entered our lives, Sparky).
Well, this background is needed for my question.
This year, in comparison to Sparky and another young
ferret Boing, Roo seemed to drop in activity level
about a month or two ago.  The other two are just
fine, in fact, lively as ever.  Well, when she
started getting lethargic, it was like overnight.
I was afraid she had a cold or something else, but
she never snapped out of it.  She still has her
same appetite and hair and her coat is looking
really good.
Could it just be the combination of winter and her
older age?  Could that explain why the younger ones
are o.k.?  We are hoping she will get back to her
snappy and alpha-self soon, before the others
start to think they are too superior  :)
Thanks for the help,
p.s. could someone list the symptoms for the congestive
heart problem their ferret had, some of those matched
Roo.  thanks again in advance
[Posted in FML issue 0652]