In regards to Allergies:
There are two things in this world that my wife is NOT allergic to.  They are
distilled water and ferrets.  Her allergies are mostly to items airborne or
ingested.  I have heard of people who had contact allergies to ferrets.  It
is possible, but not likely to have a ferret allergy.  The best idea seems to
be, spend an hour in close proximity to a ferret, in an otherwise clean
In regards to Radar's biting:
You don't give nose flicks to start with.  You give nose pops.  You can give
nose flicks after they know what it means.  We had a rescue case that liked
to take your finger off and hide it.  She was not trying to bite.  But she
was not all that gentle.  A few good nose pops and she was as sweet a little
girl as you could want.  (She still tried to hide fingers, but much more
In regards to the expectant mommie that we were boarding:
Daisy (Champaign) had a false pregnancy (2nd one in a row).  Only, this time,
her milk came down in large quantity.  She was larger than our Godiva (Choc.
Silver Mit) when she delivered 5 kits.  One week after the expected date,
Daisy was back in season.  This is another little girl who likes to hide
fingers.  Mainly, she just wants CONSTANT HUMAN ATTENTION ("DON'T PUT ME
In regards to Shelter Adoptions:
Every one is different, it seems.  We pass on vet charges as required.  If
there were no vet charges, we typically throw in a token charge based upon
the prospective parents ability to pay.  The reason for this is that if you
don't have to pay for something, you are not as likely to take care of it
(i.e. the teen who was given a car, as opposed to the teen who had to work to
buy his car).  For someone who is strapped for cash, we have charged as
little as $10.00 for a ferret that required a $25.00 vet visit.  But, we were
convinced that the little fuzzy would have a good home.  Another time, a
$50.00 charge helped to offset that loss and others.  But, in the long run, we
still lose money.
For the record:   Houston Area Ferret Association
                  John Gaver - Acting President & Ferret Toy
                  email:  [log in to unmask]
                  Phone:  713-952-4233
                  (available 24 hrs. for emergencies)
"Cats may be cool, but carpet sharks rule!"
John Gaver ([log in to unmask])
[Posted in FML issue 0648]