Hi there.  This is my first contribution to this mailing list.  I
posed a question to a pet newsgroup and was unanimously told to join this
group.  I have found you ferret people to be the most friendly and helpful
people around.
        That said, I would like to update anyone that remembers my ferret
and problem.  Addie had lost a good amount of hair on her backside, and
now it has all grown back.  I had a discussion with my mother (who is her
residing caretaker at home), and my mom wants to "wait and see."  Addie is
VERY lively (she will not give up on trying to find a place to hide the
double package of paper towels that she "discovers" in the shopping
bags) and she has not lost any weight.  We are well aware of the
possibility of adrenal tumors, and hopefully I can save up the money
and have a visit with my vet.
        To the person who wanted to know if anyone else's critters
wanted to climb onto high places:  Addie just wants to get where she
isn't.  It doesn't matter if it is in the sofa lining (what a scare
that was!), up two flights of stairs, or INSIDE the stove (an even
worse scare!).  When she poked her head out of the opening for the
burner, I thought I would have a nervous breakdown.
        I have a question: how much do rescue services usually charge
for adopting a ferret?  I have talked to one person in my area (NJ)
and she wanted $50.00.  Is this too much?  A good price?  I was a
little surprised.
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[Posted in FML issue 0647]