Hello FML Ferrets (and People),
I have been getting the FML for several weeks and thought that I'd
finally write.  You've already helped me very much by putting me
in touch with Dr. Williams.
I have a two year old male, Frank, a two year old female, Margaret
and a spandy new, 4 month old make, Radar (see the pattern?).
After we got Radar, Frank lost about half his body weight.  Dr. Williams
was most helpful, and now Frank is gaining weight rapidly.  Seems he
was stressed out about the new little (huge) critter.  Radar is already
about 2.3 pounds while Frank never got over 2.5.
Margaret put on the most amazing winter coat this year!  She usually
gains a few ounces and fluffs up, but this year she gained about 6 ounces
and she looks like long haired fluffy toy!!!  Is it supposed to be a
cold winter on the east coast?
I tried the suggestion about Linatone on the tummy for nail clipping the
other day.  This was a raging success!!!  And, after I clipped Frank's
claws, he was so interested in getting to the stuff still on his tummy that
he rolled around on the floor and did complete somersaults for about
10 minutes!  I laughed until I cried.
I have one question/problem.  Radar like to chew.  On everything, but on
me especially.  He grabs my hands and tries to take them away with him,
which is cute, but he isn't gentle.  I've tried the nose ping and bitter
apple, but neither one works well.  Things are getting a little better as
he gets older, but if anyone has additional solutions, I'd love to hear
[Posted in FML issue 0647]