Hi!  I just wrote yesterday for the first time, and I'm already writing
again.  Since I'm on CompuServe I do hope you're getting these.
For Aaron Mahler: you need to find a vet that specifically deals with
ferrets.  Your ferret should not be getting dog vaccines for rabies.
Ferrets should always get a KILLED VACCINE for rabies.  If they get a
live vaccine, it can GIVE them rabies.  Be careful!!!
Some new developments with my baby, Nash.  He was feeling pretty sickly,
so we took him to the vet yesterday, and found he has congestive heart
failure.  This is a very serious condition.  (He's only 5 yo.) We're
praying that he makes it.
The vet said he's seeing more and more of this in ferrets.  So if your
child starts showing any of the following symptoms, don't delay.  Rush
to the vet and demand x-rays and ekgs.
Symptoms:  dry cough, gagging, lethargy, bloating, confusion, no interest in
I'd like to hear from anyone who's had this problem.
J&B, Morris County, NJ
[Posted in FML issue 0644]