Ferret owners and potential ferret owners of Massachusetts, here's our
chance!  I received a letter from the United Ferret Organization stating that
house bill #5093 which is to legalize the ownership of ferrets in
Massachusetts is coming up for vote.  The final bill is being voted on before
December.  The letter asks that you write a letter supporting the bill to
Thomas M.  Finneran, Home (sic) Ways and Means Chairperson, State House, Room
243, Boston MA 02133.  It also asks that you write your state senator and
representative.  The effort is being coordinated by Gerry Collins who can be
reached at (617)286-3377 to answer questions.  Sigh, to think that there
might be a day when I don't have to tell solicitors at my door that "It just
looks like a ferret, it's really a rare breed of Mongolian swamp rat".
[Posted in FML issue 0642]