Excerpts from mail: 14-Nov-93 Ferret List Issue 638 by Ferret Mailing
> AND...  What was the Dish Soap that you could buy that would kill
> fleas?  Also, should I wash her head with that soap when I give her a
> bath?
Actually, any kind of soap that makes lots of bubbles will kill fleas by
suffocating them. I use baby shampoo and suds it up real well. That way
you can soap up their faces without hurting their eyes. I only like the
Johnson's baby shampoo, because even though others *say* they're
non-tear, they still sting a bit. The Johnson's stuff doesn't. (I've
seen my children actually look up at me with suds drifting across their
eyeballs and not fuss at all with the Johnson's stuff. Made MY eyes
water to see it, though ...)
[Posted in FML issue 0641]