Two days ago I found a piece of aluminum foil in one of the ferrets'
droppings, and that worried me quite a bit.  Does anyone know if that's
particularly harmful?  I'm sure it isn't good, though.  What bothered
me most was that I had no idea at all where it came from.  I couldn't
think of anything in my room that was made of aluminum foil, so I couldn't
figure out what to move out of their reach.
Last night I finally found the source.  It seems they had stolen a pack
of chewing gum out of the pockets of a pair of pants a long time ago,
and had hidden it under the dresser.  They had been eating the gum, and
the foil wrappers along with it.  They don't seem at all sick, but is
there anything I should do (besides take the gum away, which I already
did)?  Just a word of warning, don't leave packs of gum where weasels
can get them.
BTW, my condolences regarding Mocha.  I know how much the thought of losing
Hershey or Nestle' upsets me, and I feel for your loss.
[Posted in FML issue 0625]