Well, it's tuesday morning and i'm getting set to take myoldest in for surgery.
She'll be 7 on Christmas and has been fortunate to have avoided major problems
this long. Insulinoma. It's costly surgery, but where my kids are concerned, no
cost is too great to kepp 'em with me.
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This is my gift to her. She is my first ferret. I have 7 others. I have no
about the surgery. I have a good vet who knows ferrets and places their lives
far above the $ sign.
I sort of knew she had problems when she started pawing at the roof of her
 mouth. Another vet said it was a throat infection and gave her Amoxy. My vet
additional blood screens and saw the elevated insulin levels (over twice their
norm) and scheduled surgery for a week later. She's been on  Pred for a week &
likes the stuff. (might call her a 'pred-head') .
Anyway just wanted to add my two cents worth on the worth of saving a life. I
 know money is tight, but if I had the choice of making a few people happy with
 neckties or adding a few months to my
ferret's life... There'd be no choice needed...
[Posted in FML issue 0634]