I wouldn't worry too much about your cold room as long as your
windows have always been open and they have had time to adjust
to the temperature gradients.  Some ferrets are kept outside in
a cage year round and they change coats and adjust to the weather
just fine.  Just make sure they have plenty of warm bedding to
crawl in if they get cold.  Also, ferrets tend to sleep more in
As for them rubbing their chins on the ground, mine do that too,
I think its their version of "whipping their mouth" after eating
messy foods, or maybe they just itch.
I highly highly highly recommend collars.  Some ferrets don't like
them, but they will adjust - just be persistent.  Sometimes I wish
I didn't have to make them wear collars, but I know that if I ever
lost one of my "kids" I would never be able to forgive myself.
As for collars, I recommend COLLARS and NOT harnesses for every day
use.  Harnesses are fine for walks outdoors, but at home, if your
ferret gets caught somewhere, they can slip out of their collar, they
can't slip out of a harness.  I recommend the fake plastic or leather
collars.  The nylon ones fray easily and don't last very long at all.
I buy the thinnest, shorts, and smallest width collars I can find.
Then I end up still cutting off an inch of these "kitten" collars and
drilling a few extra holes.  (Holes can be added using a nail as well).
Some of the best collars I have ever found, as well as good and cheap
pet supplies have been at Fleet & Farm or Farm & Fleet (in Wisconsin,
I don't know if this is a chain store, but I think it is?).
Sometimes the collars come with bells, but usually they don't.  I buy
the smallest cat bell I can find and put it on their collar with the
smalles ring or s-hook I can find.  For ID tags, they sell small heart
shaped ones which I like the best.  It seems that only some of the stores
have these heart shaped ones, and others don't.  I just look around until
I find a pet store that carries the heart shaped ones.
(Its kind of scarey, I can tell which one of my babies is awake by the
pitch of the bell I hear - I'm nearly blind, so I've got a keen sense
of sound).
Best wishes,
Oh!  And I made cool ferret christmas cards, if you want one, let me
know (I'd send it via snail mail).  If I get too many requests, though,
you'll have to send me a self-addressed stamped envelop.  I'm not rich
yet :@)
Chris and Tavi Bear & Nina (Beaners) & Scooter.
!* I want more ferrets, more more more *!
[Posted in FML issue 0633]