To Judy concerning Teebone -
        Sounds like it's time to get another vet.  I have little faith that the
minor change from Amoxicillin to clavamox will do any good.  Your description of
this vet doesn't impress me in the least.  I would suggest that a competent
surgeon would be your best hope in cleaning up this problem...
        The source of TeeBone's constant chewing most likely stems from his
discomfort behind.  If you can clear up the problems in back, I suspect his
abnormal chewing behavior would go away also....
To Mike concerning chin rubbing...
        This behavior is not uncommon in ferrets following a meal - it seems to
stem from a desire to wipe their mouths.  With our ferrets, Colleen will hold a
napkin down so they can do it themselve, and not get food in the carpet....
        Ferrets can be senstive to drafts.  I suggest if you can't move the cage
to a warmer part of the house, then cover it at night with a blanket and give
them lots of towels to curl up in.  Cold air can make them susceptible to
bacterial infections...
Bruce Williams
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[Posted in FML issue 0633]