We had a major ferret scare today.
Last night we went to bed around 11pm.  We tried to get the cat to come
in the house, but she was having nothing of the sort.  Fine, you stay
out there and freeze. . .
This morning I woke up early, and was getting dressed when I heard a cat
purring softly in the dressing room.  It was the cat we didn't couldn't
get in the house last night.  My husband was positive she wasn't in when
we went to bed last night. . .
Well, the cat is pretty infamous for opening doors that are not securely
latched.  I had been to the main level of the house and none of the doors
were open.  I thought perhaps the only door she could have opened was
the basement door. . . which was Not A Good Thing since the ferrets live
in the basement, and they did not spend the night in the cage (which they
usually do).
Sure enough, I wandered downstairs and found two of the ferrets sleeping
on the very top shelf wrapped up in a blanket, but the other two (the
boys of course) were nowhere to be found.  I toddled over to the door and
it was open.  Major panic mode sets in.
I walked through the garage, who's door was also open a crack, opened it
and found Snout fending off the dog (who loves to "play" with the ferrets).
He was a little scared (major scaredy cat - he drools when going to the
vet out of fear), quite cold and very wet.   I grabbed him up and started
rubbing him all over while talking real sweet to him.  I deposited him
in the cage so he could drink and eat (since I didn't know how long he
had been out) and ran back outside to find Puck (the wandering minstrel
we call him).
He was nowhere to be found.  Nowhere.  It was near the freezing mark,
raining and very windy.  I went back in the house, asked my husband
to search the basement just in case he might be there and put on a rain
coat.  I grabbed a pounce can filled with cat food to shake and headed back
I must have searched an hour through the surrounding yards and after I
came in Mike went back out after me.
No Puck.  Knowing that they cannot survive outside, and with the inclement
weather, I was a little frightened.
The day drug on.  Savannah (our daughter) went down for a nap and Mike
left for work.  In the quiet I made up a flyer that said "Lost Ferret!"
at the top with a happy little ferret description ("He won't bite, loves
to lick ears, back of knees, etc. . . and SHOULD come if you call him")
and as soon as S woke, I ran down to Kinko's and had 100 of them printed up.
We got back, dressed warmly and I put Savannah on my back and we headed
out to do a little door-to-door with our flyers and calling Puck all
the way.
We didn't find him.
Came home, left again to do a little running around.  I got home around
5:20pm thinking that I had just enough light to do another yard search.
I came out of the garage calling Puck and calling Puck.  He didn't
come.  Well, I thought, perhaps someone found him and left a message
on the machine.
I noticed the dog was being her very spastic self (like when she is
"playing" with the ferrets), opened the screen door, and lo and behold,
who do I find sandwiched between the screen door and the back door
but PUCK!
I was so thrilled to see him (and he I, I assure you!) and so extremely
happy he found his way back home (how he did it I will never know.)
I hauled him around for a little while, gave him some water then ran
him downstairs and put him in his cage (with the other three, the food
and the water).  He drank, ate, climbed in the hammock and is still
fast asleep.
We figure he was out for about 12 hours.  Kind of scary.
Anyhow, run, don't walk to your nearest pet store and get collars
and tags for the little varmints.
We didn't have them (still don't), but you can bet, I am going to get
my hands on some. . . WITH BELLS!
        Where do I find a collar for a ferret (or 4 ferrets as the case
may be)?  What kind of collar have you all had success with?  AND
where do I find tags small enough for them to hobble around with?
THanks a mil!
human mum to Savannah Rose 12/22/92
ferret mum to Puck, Snug, Snout, & Peanut
cat mum to Fifi and Henry
pup mum to Luna(tic)
[Posted in FML issue 0632]