Hi there.
James, my ferret,Coco, got this kind of hacking cough once. It was so bad
that she couldn't even sleep. It was as if she was suffocating. Then she was
coughing and stuff. I drove her to the vet ASAP (didn't even clean the traveling
cage). Lucky for me, the local vet here did research on ferrets so she knows
a lot, and she presently has two of her own. She loved Coco. She examined her
and told me not to worry that it was just a cold. She said ferrets can catch
colds from people. She gave Coco some stuff and she was fine. So this what
she might have. I'm not a vet so take yours to one. This is just to relieve
some of you anxiety that she might have soething wrong.
Coco is doing fine. She likes to take all the bottles out of the recycling
box...  She must be against it or something**chuckle**
Later all.
and Coco
[Posted in FML issue 0612]