Please resubscribe me to the mailing list.  I'm back in school, with a brand
new e-mail account!
Unfortunately, I live right outside an FFZ (Franklin County, OH) :(  so it's
hard to get in touch with other carpet sharkers.
Over the summer, we lost one of our precious ferrets to an incurable case of
camphylobacterial colitis.  He just got weaker and weaker, had to be force fed
several times a day, and finally became paralyzed in his back end.  His little
feet were so cold!
On the bright side, we acquired an injured baby mink, who loves to play with
the ferrets (she does a good job of keeping them in shape!). Hershey's a
beautiful graceful, athletic little thing, definitely worth much more than the
$10 or so her skin would fetch.
  Last week we picked up two new ferrets from someone who couldn't take care of
them anymore.  One is an orange(!) silvermitt (Possum) who's enormously
overweight.  All four of his canines are broken off at the base, presumably by
someone without the patience to wait for him to outgrow biting.  The other one
is a very petite sable female (Felix). Both are settling in well, although they
have yet to figure out that Hershey's just playing and the space under the sink
is reserved for Allie only (she's the queen of the household).
Gee, it's good to be back!
Laura McDonald
Allie, Charli, Smokey, Bandit, Felix, and Possum (carpet piranhas)
Hershey (the carpet killer whale)
[Posted in FML issue 0622]