I may not know exactly what I'm getting myself into, but I'd be glad to
maintain a general ferret FAQ list.  The only problem is, although I've
read a couple of books on the subject, I'm only a recent ferret companion
and I don't know definitive answers for all the questions.
Below is a list of some of the Q's I think should be included.  I'm sure
most, if not all, of them have been discussed here in the past, but without
knowing which back issues to get I can't really check.  Your mission, should
you choose to accept it, is to email *directly to me* (to avoid rehashing
old subjects, which is the point of an FAQ, after all) either your own
opinions and experiences or any conclusions that were reached in the past.
Oh, and suggestions for additional questions are welcome, too.
[Note that these Q's aren't in any particular order yet.]
1. Should I get a pet ferret?
2. Which color is the best?  Should I get a male or a female?  What age?
3. How many should I get?  All at once, or one at a time?
4. Do I need to spay/neuter my pet?  How about descenting?  Declawing?
5. Where can I get pet ferrets?
6. Will I need a license or permit?  Whom should I call to find out?
7. What will I need to take care of my new ferret?  How can I best ferretproof
   my home?
8. What should I feed my ferret?  What kind of litter and pan should I use?
9. I'm having problems litter-training my ferret.  What should I be doing?
10. Help!  My ferret is going bald!  (in October or April)
11. My ferret trembles a lot.  Is that normal?
12. How do I know if my ferret likes something?  Do they have a purr-
13. I just got another ferret.  How can I introduce him/her to my old one(s)
    with the least trouble?
14. How can I introduce my ferret to my (dog/cat/bird/goldfish/rabbit/etc.)
    with the least trouble?
15. What vaccinations will my ferret need, and when?
16. Where can I go for more information?
Thank you all for your help.  I'll have a 'beta-test' version written up
as soon as I get some answers to the Q's I don't know much about!
- Pam  <expecting a flooded mailbox, but it's pretty big :> and Pixxel
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[Posted in FML issue 0615]