Go to that pet shop you don't goto anymore & give those ferrets a
hammock!!!!! I didn't like what I had seen in the store by me & did
something about it, the owner couldn't believe what I had done for the
kits!!!  I like the fact that everyone trusts me enough to allow me to take
the kits home to clean them & the cage up!!!!   If a hammock won't fit in
the small cage, make a hanging pouch to hang on one of the sides of the
cage. I sure hope all those ferrets are getting good homes!!!!
You could leave your name and phone # with the people at the pet shop, tell
them that if the new ferret owner has questions on care/feeding ect, they
could put those people intouch with you.  You'll have to win the people at
the store over first!!!!  You can do it!!!!!!!  I did!!!
My playing Boss ferret with DWeasel did get him to back off on Betsy!!!!
I'm sure I looked like a real fool, but, what the heck!! hee hee hee  How
would I teach one not to WHAT??????????  Tell me!!!!!!  Do you get to visit
Mama??  I recall your stories of her, sounds like she wants to be the only
ferret to a family!!  Smart girl!! ha ha ha
[Posted in FML issue 0608]