Date:   Mon, 11 Oct 1993 12:53:06 -0400
 From:   [log in to unmask] (James Garriss x5766 x5631)
 Subject: Holy Cow!  I'm a Parrent!
-,{@ with the litter, they'll use it.  If the litter box isn't handy, they
 -,{@ won't bother to go back to it. We've kinda decided not to let them out
 -,{@ to play unless we know they've done their business in the box.  We are
 -,{@ going to buy a treat tonight to reward them we they succeed.
I was told to put litter boxes in all the rooms, and two if it's a large
room. Worked for me. :)
-,{@   The OTHER left ear has the 2 blue dot tattoo's on Marshall farm
 -,{@ ferrets.  I  had to wake up my Sally to double check her right ear!!!
 -,{@ hee hee hee  The  pet shops here in NJ do not give any kind of
 -,{@ paperwork on what has been done  to the kits by the breeders.  Very few
 -,{@ of the workers in pet shops can tell  the difference between male &
 -,{@ female!!!!
OOOooooopss...<GGG> I knew I should have gone to check! <G>
-,{@ loaned an old travel cage to this store, it's set up the way a REAL
 -,{@ ferrets  cage should be!!!!!
YAYAAY!! At this pet store (I don't go there any more) they have a small
cage with 6-8 ferrets...and no hammocks. I hate that there are none because
I know how much they enjoy them. :/  But they did tell me that they play
with them at times. This will sound stupid, but I heard the store owner
bragging about how much money he makes on ferrets alone...that bugged me. I
guess I'll never be a big money business owner. There are some things more
important than money. I still want to know what happens to them...:(  I
never ever see them again, nor do I know one person who owns a ferret ,
though nearly everyone "Used to have" one. Where do they go? Argh!!!
-,{@ Here's a real yik!!!!   When I got my Betsy, my DWeasel would beat the
 -,{@ schmitt out of her & drag her all over the room. Betsy stoped eating on
 -,{@ me  beacuse of him doing that, Bitter Apple didn't stop DWeasel!!!!!  I
 -,{@ put a  stop to his doing that by giving him a taste of his own
 -,{@ medicine, I bit him  on the scruff of his neck & draged his butt around
 -,{@ the room while hissing at  him the whole time!!  DWeasel was not a
 -,{@ happy weasel after a few times of  that!!  Around here, I'm the BOSS
 -,{@ ferret!!!  ha ha ha
ROFLMAOA!!!!!! LOL!! Hahahahahaha!! The mental picture!! LOL!!
Sorry...hehehehe!! Oh yes, this will have me going all night. Hehehe!! Oh
wow!! I just cannot stop laughing!! Oh geez!! Did it work? How would you
teach one not to...never mind. <GG> :::TWAPPING SELF::: Hehe! Well, then if
it comes to that, I sure will do it. Nonni has been going after Foxy, and if
she won't stop....I'll let you know. <g> Wow! Hissing too. I have hissed at
Mama while she was here....but when she attacked the others...she was not
descented...I um...don't think I could do that one. Hehe! Ahem....<composing
self> <g>
Well, gotta run...     ^  -
                       @  @     :D
[Posted in FML issue 0607]