Don't use scoopable litter! I was going to try this stuff myself until we got a
ferret in at the shelter who's owner had used it. This poor ferret had this
stuff clumped throughout her fur and caked around her feet. If the ferret steps
in it's urine or splashes in the water dish (my ferrets love this) before using
the litter box it will cake and harden on their feet and fur. Give the
scoopable stuff to a friend with a cat and get some regular (and likely
cheaper) litter.
Since ferrets don't bury their waste like cats do it's easy to scoop it out
even with regular litter. I do that 2-3 times a day since it only takes a few
seconds and eliminates a possible odor source and is probably healthier for the
As for not letting them run loose before they use the litter box, that's
exactly the right way to train them. You might carry them to the other boxes
you have (you'll need more than one for a large room) so they learn where they
are. Also, while they are learning, leave a little waste behind and keep about
25% of the old litter when you change it. This will help avert the litter boxes
being mistaken for a sand box (which has to be every ferret's dream.)
Ferretone and Linetone are basically the same although the Ferretone is
supposedly formulated for ferrets. Either will do but don't use more than a
drop or two per day. Both of these products are extremely high in vitamin A
which can become toxic if too much is given. You might want to pick up a tube
of Laxatone as well. This is a cat hairball preventative which is also a
problem for ferrets. Mine get about a 1 inch ribbon every other day. They love
the stuff so it makes a good treat. Good luck and have fun.
[Posted in FML issue 0606]