Surely I wasn't the only person on this newslist who saw
CNN's newspiece on the fight in NYC to legalize ferrets!
        For those of you who missed it, it was about 2 minutes long and
centered of the legal battle and attempt of a ferret group in NYC to
educate the public about ferrets. For example, did you know that ferrets
are the third most-owned mammal in the U.S., behind dogs and cats? I didn't.
        There was a guy who had two ferrets and was demonstrating how
smart they are. One of them rolled over for food. There was also a blurb
about a ferret owner who had to flee NYC for New Jersey so the ferret
police couldn't find him. The piece ended with ferret liberators standing
on what appeared as the steps of city hall saying how ferrets are safer
than other pets, are domesticated, and are not rodents.
        The piece was okay and fairly positive, only it did kind of end
leaving the impression that ferret owners are a bit wacko and fanatical.
        The news piece played on the half-hour CNN news station and on CNN
"nightly news," which comes on at 9 p.m. CST. The only thing was that on
the nightly news showing of the news piece, one of the newscasters
exclaimed how ferrets stink, holding her nose and the whole bit. That kind
of cheesed me off, because descented ferrets smell better that dogs or
cats and even the non-descented carpet sharks are okay as long as they are
bathed regularly.
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[Posted in FML issue 0583]