Hi there folks.  I'm still waiting to hear from the doctor, but I'm
wondering if anyone can give me any info on my sick ferret, Feona.
I'm very worried and I feel like there's nothing I can do.
She's hacking up a storm (my roommate thinks that she might be sneezing)
and her feces has kind of a light mucus on it.  She's constantly licking
her face, and every once in a while she sounds like is sneezing (or hacking)
particularly loudly.  I thought that she was trying to throw something
up and that maybe she ate something that she shouldn't have.  I wouldn't
be so worried except that I noticed today that she has lost some hair
on the end of her tail.
Any ideas? Thanks in advance!
    Mike Gershbein                   "I'm mad...and that's a fact!
    University of Illinois, Urbana    I found out animals don't help!
      Graduate School of Library      Animals think they're pretty smart...
        and Information Science       Shit on the ground...see in the dark!"
    [log in to unmask]                -Talking Heads
[Posted in FML issue 0573]