To Linda from Delphi:
I have three blind ferrets one of which is almost deaf. Blindness is
not that much of a handicap to ferrets. Their eyesight is poor to
begin with and they get along fine without it. Unless I move
something in the house or add a new piece of furniture, they get
around as well as my sighted ferrets. You probably would not even
notice, watching my weasels playing, that any of them had visions
problems. As soon as they learn the lay of the land they are running
with the rest of the pack. I can offer two suggestions: talk to
Snowball before you pick him up so you don't startle him and "show"
him the height of any new furniture by sliding him up and down it. I
did that with one of mine when I brought him home so that he was
comfortable getting up and down from a chair. There's no reason to
even consider putting him to sleep. Good luck.
So sorry to hear about Keesa. I'll be pulling for her. I hope
everything works out. They're tough little critters and real
[Posted in FML issue 0570]