The color of Coco's stool, I've noticed, is directly related to
what she has been eating. Sometimes I wonder if she digests at all. She loves
fish cat food which is kind of greyish her stool matches that color. When
I switch to other kinds of food, her stool changes color to match the food.
So I think there is nothing to worry about with Feasel.
        I have a problem with Coco. It is kinda gross. When I travel with her,
I put her in a cage that has a plastic bottom and I put newspapers on the
bottom: litter would go all over the place. The problem is that newspaper isn't
as absorbent as litter so laps up what the paper can't get right away. I try
to keep her from doing this by pushing her away. Now she knows to leave it alone
when I come near, but if I'm not looking I'll catch her doing it sometimes.
I make sure she has enough water and food, but she seems to go for the yellow
        Anybody out there with help?...  It kinda takes the cuteness out her
licking you...  *YUCK*
...and a yellow tongued Coco.
[Posted in FML issue 0593]