Bobby!  (re: rabies vaccines)
  IMRAB  (the ferret Rabies vaccine)  HAS been proven, and has recieved FULL
approval from all the necessary agancies - I'm sure there are people here
who would have the actual  paperwork on-hand to send you!
BUT - the SHEDDING period (how long ferrets shed the rabies virus in their
saliva before they show signs of rabies) hasn't been determined, although
so far, all studies point to none or almost none - BUT..
Untill that period has been determined, and repeatedly proven to some of the
officials out there, they will still use that as an excuse to kill any
ferret that bites for testing. :(
as to Killed or live vaccines - ONLY USE KILLED VACCINE!
Live Rabies Vaccine has been known to GIVE the ferret rabies..!
     Hope this helps!  (that's all for now!)
Matt Ouimette
[Posted in FML issue 0591]