To the subscribers of the FML:
        As a free service to veterinary practitioners around the country, the
Department of Veterinary Pathology is accepting tissue and tumors samples for
diagnostic evaluation.
        What this means to you and your vet:  Any diagnostic pathology work
(essentially looking at a tumor biopsy under the microscope to tell what it is,
or looking at various tissues from a sick or dead ferret to help diagnose
disease) can be performed free of charge.
        I have done over 350 ferret cases in the last two years and have written
several papers on my findings.  The continuing interest of the Armed Forces
Institute of Pathology in spontaneous disease of the pet ferret allows us to
perform this service free.
        For more information, contact me, Dr. Bruce Williams, at (202) 576-2454.
Tissues may be mailed to me at:
        Dr. Bruce Williams
        Department of Veterinary Pathology
        Armed Forces Institute of Pathology
        Washington, D.C. 20306-6000
        Tissues should be submitted in 10% formalin and well packaged to prevent
leakage.  Please also submit as much clinical information as possible to assist
with our investigation of the case.
Bruce Williams, AFIP
[Posted in FML issue 0587]