I am responding to your message here as I do not know your direct
email address.  In Ferret list issue 576, you wrote:
----- Begin Included Message -----
[I've deleted Brad Laraway's message, which was obviously email directly
to you.  It's considered poor form to publish private email.  If Brad would
like to resend his message here, that is fine.  I should also point
out that the FML isn't intended to be an extension of rec.pets
conversations and this appears to have been a question by Tyler on rec.pets,
which Brad responded to by email.  Then Tyler sends his reply to the
FML.  Wierd ;-)]
----- End Included Message -----
I don't see why it was necessary to delete Brad Laraway's reply
to my email.  I composed my mail to him, but also cc'd it to
the ferret list because it is a question that I thought others
ferret owners might be interested in and to which they might
have a good response.  Similarly, that is why you should have
allowed Brad's post to go through.  What good is it for everyone
to read my question...but not see the (more important) responses
to my question??  I can't see why a response to my question about
driving with ferrets would be considered "private".
Also, you seem interested that I responded to the ferret list
about a question that (I guess) was brought up on rec.pets.
The subject may have been brought up on rec.pets, but I thought
that it was more salient to the FML.  I also thought that I would
get a better answer on the FML since it consists of all ferret
owners...most of whom I assume are also drivers :-) .  Why does
it matter WHERE the idea arose?
Anyway, I just wanted to point these things out.  I was a little
troubled by your deleteing of Brad's response.  It just made me
think that if the list is many good responses
have I missed because they were deleted?
Well, I guess I'll end this here.  I didn't mean for this to sound
as serious as it came out.  This is your FML so you must feel
comfortable with it.  Sorry for the pontification....
[It is a point of law that mail, whether paper or electronic, is
copyright by the originator of the mail.  By sending you a copy,
they're granting you permission to have a copy of it.  By forwarding
private email, particularly to a broadcast medium, you are stepping
out of bounds of the implied permission.  On USENET, this is taken
to even greater degree - you'd get flamed to a crisp for it.
While I have no reason to believe that Brad would object to me
carrying his email message to you in the FML, he has to permit
it before I'd put it in the FML.
How many responses have you missed?  This is the first thing
I've deleted in quite some time.  If I recall correctly, the
only previous episodes were with stuff taken from GEnie - for
the same reason.  GEnie gets quite sticky about such things.
Indeed, because GEnie wants me to pre-censor FML issues, I have
prohibited GEnie uploading the FML to their internal forums.]
[Posted in FML issue 0579]