> Christmas trees
We got Sylvester (Sly) our first ferret (sable) a few days before
Christmas last year.  We didn't get any tree climbing experiences then
as we were still all new to each other.  We've expanded since with a
total of three, so looking forward to a really interesting Christmas
this year!!
> Tinsel
We stopped using tinsel years ago 1) clogs up the vacumm beaters, 2)
never goes away (similiar to Easter grass and red wine stains), 3) dogs
kept eating it, 3) the cats kept eating it, 4) the kids starting eating
> Regarding Ferretone and Linatone.  These are vitamin supplements
> manufactured by 8 in One Co.  Ferretone is specifically designed for
> ferrets, Linatone certainly won't hurt them and is usually very easy
> to get hold of.
I understand that Ferretone is rather high in vitamin A.  While probably
not high enough to be toxic, it has been recommended to me to dilute it
with mineral oil.  I dilute it to about 1:5 and the little carpet sharks
still go crazy over it!
> Ferrets were domesticated over 500
> years before the house cat.
Interesting, which ancient society gets the credit for this?  It must
have been a civilization without walls or furniture <g>.
>Here's a suggestion for a new litterbox for Nitro (and any other carpet
>out there): Rubbermaid vegetable bins.
I brought one home a few days ago.  My better half said "it will never
work".  It works...
[Posted in FML issue 0575]