someone wrote:
> > why bother with it??  Descenting simply removes the odor sacks, much
> > like a skunk who can no longer spray.
Well, I had 3 convenience kits, and then I got Impulse. (He was named
that for both his movement, and to remind me to stop impulsively
buying ferrets - it worked, he was my last fert). Impulse was just old
enough to be separated from his mom, and small enough that my other
ferrets all tried to carry him around by the scruff of his neck. We
kept them separated and only let them play supervised together.
Impulse was intact, and as his size grew, his odor grew. He also
sprayed *alot*, like every time we took him out. What a difference
from my other males, that could go for 2 weeks between baths, and they
never smelled as bad as he did! Anyone who handled him wanted a shower
afterwards - we weren't left with a faint musky smell on our bodies,
like with the other 'guys'. I planned on having him fixed and
descented at whatever age the vet recommended (I think 6 months) but 1
month before that, I called the vet to inquire if it could be done a
bit early, because none of the humans in the house wanted to handle
poor Imp anymore. When I explained the situation, the vet agreed to do
it before the specified age.
What a difference when he came home, and we were able to handle him
without being marked. He really was a nice little guy.
[Posted in FML issue 0575]