Gushi did something similar when I first got him - he managed to rip out a
toe-nail when he got it caught between the radiator vents. The poor little
thing bled quite a bit too. My roommate and I got him calmed down (sorta),
put some hydrogen peroxide on it and applied direct pressure until the
bleeding subsided. We tried to put some sort of dressing on his foot (back) -
we didn't want him getting an infection especially from the litterbox. But
this just didn't work - maybe your bandaging techniques are better than ours.
Point is, we didn't take him to the vet - just kept it clean and watched for
any swelling, etc. No probs - Gushi grew back a new claw and seems no worse
for wear!
Good luck from Nik and Gushi (OUCH!!)
[Posted in FML issue 0548]