I was in Chicago over the weekend and learned a few things re: the two shelters
there.  I called the state office that regulates shelters and animal adoption
places and asked about the GCFA and FAIR shelters. They had never heard of the
FAIR shelter and told me that if Mary was indeed adopting out animals,
(approximately 3 according to an ad I saw in a ferret newsletter) she was doing
so in violation of state laws, since her shelter is not licensed . I also asked
about the GCFA shelter. They told me it IS licensed and highly recommended.
They have received no complaints about it and it has passed all inspections to
They had their Open House on sunday and had quite a crowd. I asked about the
rumours and they showed me the documentation. Seems that, at one time, biters
WERE , indeed, being "Put to sleep" as their records noted. 41 to be exact.
The curious thing is that these "euthenasias" all happened while the shelter
was in Mary's house and none had occurred since it became a free-standing
shelter.   You can read that any way you like, but to me, it sounds like FAIR
is not playing fair and the "pot" is, indeed, "calling the kettle black".
[Posted in FML issue 0538]