---------------------------Original message----------------------------
Just thought I'd share my experiences on bathing.
  Summary: Rupert loves it
Whenever I go to take a shower he always follows. Rupert's curiosity
is absolutely insatiable and he HAS to see what I am doing. He gets into
the shower with me. He also LOVES to lick soap [yuck!]. He spends most of
his time sniffing and snarfing at the drain hole. Afterwards I towel dry
him [*IF* I can manage to hold him long enough]... he goes into hyperdrive
and collapses his back legs, dragging himself on everthing in sight [to
dry off]. Anyone see that commercial about "Are your kids getting to much
sugar"? The one were the kid is 'bouncing' off the walls? Well, that only
begins to describe Rupert. ;-)
[Posted in FML issue 0543]