My vet recently introduced me to a woman that does wildlife
rescue in the Los Gatos (CA) area.  Last month, someone turned
in a ferret.  She knew better than to turn the poor thing in
to the SPCA, and luckily the owner found her pretty quickly.
I've given her CDFA (CA Domestic Ferret Assoc.) info, but I'm
wondering if there are any other groups/people in CA that do
ferret rescue work.  I'd like to forward all info to her asap.
Please email me directly ([log in to unmask]) and I will
post a summary to the list if there is any interest.
Thanks in advance.
From uunet.ca!ccwf.cc.utexas.edu!dixie Wed Aug  4 18:32:16 1993
Received: by ferret.ocunix.on.ca (smail2.5)
        id AA12783; 4 Aug 93 18:32:16 EDT (Wed)
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Date:   Wed, 4 Aug 1993 17:48:26 -0400
From:   Dixie Lee Davis <[log in to unmask]>
Message-Id: <[log in to unmask]>
To:     [log in to unmask]
Subject: Please delete me :-(
Status: OR
I have graduated (yea!!) and will soon be leaving the country, perhaps to
places where they don't have computers, muchless internet connections.
I don't have ferrets myself (I've been subscribing for my sister, who has
ferrets but no internet access) but I've enjoyed reading the joys and woes
of the ferret owners.  This is one of the few newsgroups (perhaps the only
one) where I can tell ya'll that I had to put my companion of 10 years, a
dog whom I had showered with all my maternal affections, to sleep last
Monday.  It was hard, even though I've known the time was coming, and I've
shed countless tears.  Even though she was a dog, I think ya'll will sympathize
with me and my broken heart.
But that's not why I'm writing (sorry, kind of got sidetracked there.)
I graduated, I'm leaving the country, and the university is going to disconnect
my access, so it is with regret that I ask you,Chris, to delete me.
Thanks to all of you--you've been kind and honest and helpful with your thoughts
feelings, and knowledge, through people's personal tragedies.
Dixie Davis
[log in to unmask]
(For the next few months, I can be reached at [log in to unmask])
[Posted in FML issue 0540]