Amy -- (or, one of the Amy's... <G>)
        You asked about waxy buildup in ferrets ears -- as far as I know, all
ferrets seem to have a bit of a problem with ear wax, and this is probably
what it is.  However, a buildup of a black waxy substance can also indicate ear
mites.  Best thing to do, I think, is to regularly clean your ferrets ears, and
look at the debris you remove -- it if moves, there's likely ear mites.  But the
waxy substance itself is not neccesarily serious.  Use Q-tips & peroxide -- you
may need to hold the ferret by the scruff of its neck to keep it still enough
to do this without hurting him/her.  I am not sure how often you need to do
this...  my vet told me I should be doing it every week, but I don't actually
do it that often.  Every few weeks seems often enough to me, but I bet
it differs from ferret to ferret.
[Posted in FML issue 0564]