> Date:   Wed, 25 Aug 1993 16:43:32 -0400
> From:   Bobbie Daniel <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: Re: Ferret List Issue 560
> Address of AFA, please?
American Ferret Association
P.O. Box 3986
Frederick, MD 21701
> Cheryl <[log in to unmask]> said:
>   >   I was wondering if there are any ferret clubs in central PA and if
>   > there are  any shelters, for ferrets, in central PA. I am looking to
>   > purchase another  ferret and would like to get one from a shelter rather
>   > than a pet store. Is  this a good idea or should I get one from a pet
>   > store?
> Adopting a feret from a shelter is a great idea!!!  I don't know of a
> club/shelter in central PA, but there is a club/shelter in Levittown, PA.
There is a central PA club, which I'm sure can supply information about
area shelters.  Levittown is a bit further to the east.  Jodi is very nice.
Jodi Schroth
Susquehanna Valley Ferret Club
3807 Over Drive
Harrisburg, PA 17109
Actually, I've been trying to get something together on something of a
cause celebre that Jodi's been involved with recently, regarding a civil
case that somehow ended up in the U.S. Court, Middle District of
Pennsylvania, in which a federal judge issued a pretrial ruling stating
that ferrets are wild animals.  I don't have much detail on this at the
moment, and ferrets are not in any immediate danger of being outlawed in
Pennsylvania, but it is a cause of some concern.  Jodi & her club are
spearheading an effort to get this ruling set aside (the case that
produced it was settled out of court), and the Pennsylvania department of
fish & game has indicated that it has no interest in regulating ferrets.
The Susquehanna club is working on getting ferrets written into
Pennsylvania law specifically as domestic animals (which, of course, they
ARE).  I will post more details when I have more facts.
Katie, Jeff, Bandit, Molly, Charlie, Pogo & Sigmund
Katie Fritz
Small Mammals Section Leader/CompuServe Pets Forum
Internet: [log in to unmask]  CIS: 71257,3153
[Posted in FML issue 0562]