Can anyone tell me how long it should take to see hair regrowth after
a ferret has adrenal surgery?
Also, is there a difference in the frequency of ferret-type diseases
(pancreas, adrenal, etc...) occurrances between ferret-farm stock and
good breeders?  I've also heard mention of people looking for breeders
having 'larger animals' and petstore critters being smaller.
All three of mine were bought at a pet store (two are adopted).
BTW: Our ferrets (weez & sneeze) had surgery 18 days ago. Both are back
to normal activity level.  Weezie's vulva is less than half the size it
was.  They had their stitches out yesterday.  Sneezie seems to have developed
some kind of lump in the fleshy area between her leg and body. Its about
marble sized and dark.  It doesn't seem to bother her though. Is this a
normal thing after surgery that will go away?
[I'd guess internal bleeding.  Contact the vet ASAP.]
[Posted in FML issue 0519]