> From:   [log in to unmask] (wje login)
> Subject: double incisors
> Date:   Wed, 30 Jun 1993 13:24:03 -0400
> I've seen occasional mention of double incisors. I hadn't seen a case of
> this  until today; a local pet shop with a good ferret reputation had one.
> What's the problem? Is it serious or just cosmetic?
> We purchased our Angelica (NOT!) from there a few months ago, and she
> seems to be in the peak of health.
> --
        I've seen several kits with double incisors.  My ferret Mako
had them.  With the several kits I've seen, its been adult teeth coming
in next to the baby teeth.  Once the adult teeth were almost the same size
as the baby teeth, the baby teeth fell out. Maybe this is mother nature's
way of giving ferrets an edge on servival in the wild.  Well at least be-
fore man/woman kind bread the ability out of ferrets to survive in the
wild.  I could be wrong this is just a guess.
        Chris I fixed the problem I had with out going mail.  Someone
renamed the system that all the out of company mail goes threw.  They
forgot to edit the host file on my machine.
        Have a good weekend.
        Brad, Sebastian, Mako, Baby and Bambie.
[Posted in FML issue 0508]