Well, we just took our little girl to the vet Saturday for her shots.
When we got there the vet told us two bits of upsetting news.  First,
Texas considers ferrets as wild animals; therefore, they can't get a
rabies shot.  Apparently it's illegal to give a rabies shot to a wild
animal.  At least we could still get her a distemper shot.  Then the vet
proceeded to tell us that it is illegal to even own a ferret in Harris
County (which is mostly Houston, with a few scattered suburbs).  In their
infinite wisdom, the powers-that-be will give a license to pet stores to
*sell* ferrets, but you can't *own* them.  Go figure.  So chalk up Houston
to the list of areas in need of ferret education.  I'm not sure what needs
to be done to fight this, so any advice would be appreciated.  If anyone
knows of a ferret shelter in the area, that would help, too.  I'm really
angry and want to do something about it.
  Paul, owned by Terpsichore
[Posted in FML issue 0517]