A few people have sent me mail asking for more details about Seal Skin and
bioAllers.  I've tried to respond, but my mail keeps getting bounced back.
Rather than thrashing around with my mail server, I'll just post to the
world so everyone can read it.
Seal Skin is manufactured by Origin Industries in Salt Lake City, Utah.
We ordered it through a mail order catalog called Self Care, but I can't
find the catalog.  Origin Industries' phone number is 801-364-0447.
They should be able to tell you where the closest distributor is.
The bioAllers Animal Hair/Dander drops seem to be available at all the
health stores I've been to in Boulder, so I would guess that it would be
easy to find just about anywhere.  It's maufactured by Natra-Bio in
Ferndale, WA (sorry, I don't have a phone number).
Kurt, Debbie, Penny, Zoe... and KiKi!
(Yep, we got another one, just tonight!  Couldn't pass her up.)
Kurt G. Schumacher                                  Schumacher & Associates
[log in to unmask]                                 Boulder, CO
[Posted in FML issue 0513]