Roger -
        Whew!  It's easy to read through between the lines and see where the
rumours are (most likely) coming from... Actually, I heard from a friend who
livees in Downer's Grove that had encountered Mary Van Dam at a local pet shop.
Mary told her that the GCFA shelter sends all their unadoptable ferrets to MIT
for research! She was distributing literature about her own shelter and the
adoption rates were lower than those at the GCFA shelter. She was soliciting
donations for her shelter, but my friend declined until she could check her
allegations. Thanks for posting these clarifications...
        I've met Mary a couple of times, while in town to visit relatives and
attend the show (killing two birds with one stone) and it's hard to believe
that she would stoop to such low tactics as rumour mongering (especially when
it seems like the pot is calling the kettle black). From what I've been able to
discern, its a case of "If I can't play by my rules, I'll take my marbles and
start my own game".  It's sad when things like this happen and it takes away
from the true purpose that most (if not all) ferret clubs ascribe to -
furthering the keeping of ferrets as pets. I'm not a member of the GCFA, but my
money's on them. See you at the show...
 Dale, Kristin, DJ, Rebecca, Sir Galahad II, Fritter, Taz and Bonkers
 <========== HUMANS =======> <==============FERRETS=================>
 [WeaseLink 2.1 - If it can be undone, a ferret will undo it!]
[Posted in FML issue 0529]