RE:  biting - I just want to mention that many people inadvertantly
actually *train* their ferrets to bite.  The ferret bites them
to ask to be let down.  They react by going "FINE, then I'm not
going to play with you anymore if you're going to bite" and puts
them down or into their cage.  The ferret just thinks, "hey, cool!
It works".  So next time s/he wants down, s/he bites.  So
never put a ferret that's biting you down until s/he calms
down.  Keep punishing her (nose thump, wisker tugs, whatever)
until she gives up, then let her down.
Also, always yell "NO" when you punish your ferret.  That way,
they'll learn to stop when you yell "no", instead of having
to punish them.
> > From:   Nancy Hartman <[log in to unmask]>
> > It's the actual insertion that causes the female to ovulate.  So
> > you need a vasectomized hob who can do the job.  (they still have all the
> > necessary working parts, just the semen can't make it all the way)
> A vasectomy doesn't affect the semen output -- it severs the connection to
> the sperm ducts.  A vasectomized hob has semen -- there just isn't any
> sperm in it!
<blush>  Ooops, how stupid of me.  That was just a terminology error
on my part, I really do know what a vasectomy is.  Thanks for pointing
that out, Katie.
RE:  Fervac-D - The people that I've talked to about it say that
their research shows that it has no higher reaction rate than
Fromm-D.  But, on the other hand, I have heard of several cases
of allergic reaction to it.  A few that were life threatening.
I did my girls last weekend, Bree had a mild reaction (rash in the
area of the injection) and I found myself calling around to everyone
trying to find someone who knew how much benadryl to give.  Noone
was home, so I never did find out.  But I did learn my lesson, I am
*NEVER* going to vaccinate a ferret when there are no vet clinics
open again.  Fortunately everything turned out O.K. in this case, but
if something really did go wrong, I would have lost her.  :(
But, I'm not saying that Fervac-D has any higher rate of reactions
than Fromm-D.  I have yet to hear anything to confirm that
statement.  I am, however, saying that *any* vaccine can cause
reactions.  So know what you are doing before you administer them,
and find out what to do in case of a reaction.
(BTW, I gave Bree about .3 ml of benadryl and the rash went away
in about 3 hours.  Does anyone know the correct dosage of benadryl
to give???)
- Nancy
Nancy Hartman       Internet - [log in to unmask]        GEnie - n.hartman4
President, Delaware Valley Ferret Club | CIS Grad Student, U. of Delaware
      ***  Caregiver to Percy, Bree, & Popcorn, the ferrets  ***
  "We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals" - Kant
[Posted in FML issue 0523]